Играю на евре сервере, часто использую подсадки. Сегодня пришло предупреждение от ВГ!
You are receiving this email because you were found to be engaging in, Abuse of physics.
Specifically, you were observed from a replay that was sent to us.
This is a violation of our rules and if it happens again your account will be sanctioned.
For more information on our rules violation policy, check out this (( [article](http://worldoftanks.com/en/news/pc-browser/17/rules-violations-policy-updates/)).
Кто нибудь реально бан получал за физику???
You are receiving this email because you were found to be engaging in, Abuse of physics.
Specifically, you were observed from a replay that was sent to us.
This is a violation of our rules and if it happens again your account will be sanctioned.
For more information on our rules violation policy, check out this (( [article](http://worldoftanks.com/en/news/pc-browser/17/rules-violations-policy-updates/)).
Кто нибудь реально бан получал за физику???