Такой вот патент обнаружился, с датой регистрации 23 апреля 2013 г.
Publication number US8425330 B1
Publication type Grant
Application number 13/472,945
Publication date Apr 23, 2013
Filing date May 16, 2012
Inventors Victor Kislyi
Ivan Mikhnevich
Original Assignee Wargaming.net, LLC
U.S. Classification 463/42
International Classification A63F13/00
References Non-Patent Citations (10)
According to another aspect, the matchmaking server may store a win/loss percentage for each user (or vehicle) at a given battle level. As the player's win/loss ratio decreases, the player becomes more likely to be placed in battles having battle levels at the lower end of the allowable range, whereas as the player's win/loss ration increases, the player becomes more likely to be placed in battles having battle levels at the upper end of the allowable range. Thus, when a player has been repeatedly put into too many difficult battles, the balancing is done in favor of easier battle sessions, thereby encouraging the player by providing an easier game environment. Similarly, when the player has been repeatedly put into too many easy battles, the balancing is done in favor of harder battle sessions, thereby keeping the player challenged instead of letting the player become bored with easy games. A first possible algorithm is to divide the permissible battle levels evenly across a range from zero (0) to two (2), and place the vehicle into the battle level corresponding to the win/loss ratio, where any ratio greater than two (2) automatically results in the vehicle being placed in the highest possible battle level. Another possible algorithm is to increase the battle level by one (within the permissible range) for a vehicle each time a player wins a battle with that vehicle, and decrease the battle level by one (within the permissible range) each time a player loses a battle with that vehicle. If the battle level is already at the upper end of the range and the player wins the battle, the battle level may remain constant. Similarly, if the battle level is already at the lower end of the range and the player loses the battle, the battle level may remain constant.
Коротко в переводе: "Чем ниже ваш процент побед, тем чаще вас бросает в топ. Чем выше - тем реже ".
Вон оно какой инвеншн запатентовали-то!
Вопрос в том, зачем разработчики так скрывают от любопытной геймерской общественности сей факт, и всячески отрицают влияние скилла игроков на баланс боя?
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Publication number US8425330 B1
Publication type Grant
Application number 13/472,945
Publication date Apr 23, 2013
Filing date May 16, 2012
Inventors Victor Kislyi
Ivan Mikhnevich
Original Assignee Wargaming.net, LLC
U.S. Classification 463/42
International Classification A63F13/00
References Non-Patent Citations (10)
According to another aspect, the matchmaking server may store a win/loss percentage for each user (or vehicle) at a given battle level. As the player's win/loss ratio decreases, the player becomes more likely to be placed in battles having battle levels at the lower end of the allowable range, whereas as the player's win/loss ration increases, the player becomes more likely to be placed in battles having battle levels at the upper end of the allowable range. Thus, when a player has been repeatedly put into too many difficult battles, the balancing is done in favor of easier battle sessions, thereby encouraging the player by providing an easier game environment. Similarly, when the player has been repeatedly put into too many easy battles, the balancing is done in favor of harder battle sessions, thereby keeping the player challenged instead of letting the player become bored with easy games. A first possible algorithm is to divide the permissible battle levels evenly across a range from zero (0) to two (2), and place the vehicle into the battle level corresponding to the win/loss ratio, where any ratio greater than two (2) automatically results in the vehicle being placed in the highest possible battle level. Another possible algorithm is to increase the battle level by one (within the permissible range) for a vehicle each time a player wins a battle with that vehicle, and decrease the battle level by one (within the permissible range) each time a player loses a battle with that vehicle. If the battle level is already at the upper end of the range and the player wins the battle, the battle level may remain constant. Similarly, if the battle level is already at the lower end of the range and the player loses the battle, the battle level may remain constant.
Коротко в переводе: "Чем ниже ваш процент побед, тем чаще вас бросает в топ. Чем выше - тем реже ".
Вон оно какой инвеншн запатентовали-то!
Вопрос в том, зачем разработчики так скрывают от любопытной геймерской общественности сей факт, и всячески отрицают влияние скилла игроков на баланс боя?
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